I Hate Resolutions

Two and seven sound like a charm 
The number of lives a cat can throw in a hat
waste on a mat
Run after a rat
Such a cat has more than I
With two and seven meaning 1
To do more things that fit in a hat
Would be possible in a mat
And Heavens forbid, require chasing a rat!
Only 1 in the little time of 365 days and nights
Filled with more than 2 things I like, less than 5 claws to grasp
What is that makes a cat have more lives than what they need
And me counting years passing by
Meow, meow and others words that can be meowed,
2025 is then a time to be cat,
Chase out the "rats"
Relax on a mat
And pull magic from a hat

January 2025, on “Five resolutions for the new year…” prompt

Mercedes Calcano

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