
Where do they begin or end?
How is your going around working for you?
Around, and around and around…
Sometimes in crescendo
Others, diminuendo
Always out of hands

The focus of attention is looking upward into the heavy disc of an unfathomable dimension crossing the skies of futility and familiarity leaving the blurry discs of confusion hanging on the edge of sanity.

Gifting the imprint of an “extraordinary” and terrifying encounter
Magnetizing all emotions that our weakened Ego has tortured into obscurity to escape in disarray. Trampling over each other and the Me at lost…

Now Looking downward
The long skirt of an abyss tantalizing my senses into sliding down
Unto the neverland of darkness of a beaten-up imagination used to find the boogie man behind every veil, real or false, covering the safe tangibility of recognizable forms.

And yet it is sideways when things get worse…
When time and space lose hold
And circular lines can become the tentacles of a monster impossible to behold
The universal spirals rolling over in a storm
Infinite in nature and number
God challenging Escher into designing what is yet to be known

mercedes calcano, October 2024

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