Erected in Clay, Wood and Stone Hay, leaves, water and bones Soft and permeable Flowing gowns Thick and strong Ancients oaths Unfathomable boundaries Containing, confining, protecting High or low our gaze will go fluttering signs, scrapes and stains Bleeding time Trails of tales Hanging here and there Here and everywhere Changing lines and shapes Hues defiant, uncertain, unaware Color wheels and graded palettes And the heart beats slowly, quick, stops or skips Invisible words Clues of life and death Silent witnesses in a fragile array human, primitive, vulnerable, eternal Written legacies and triumphs Misery and regrets Growing scores Random mistakes Nails and holes Sweet, young and old Thousands of stories Brought up Turned down Made tall Made short Truths to be told Perjuries and cons Infinite possibilities History, you know Oh, Walls I am in awe
Photo by Scott Webb in Pexel / October 22nd, 2021.